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Materias > Educación
Universidad Europea del Atlántico > Investigación > Producción Científica
Universidad Internacional Iberoamericana Puerto Rico > Investigación > Producción Científica
Universidad Internacional do Cuanza > Investigación > Artículos y libros
Esta investigación tuvo por objetivo valorar la utilización de un Instrumento para la evaluación de Entornos Virtuales de Aprendizaje (EVA), específicamente el DELES (Distance Education Learning Environments Survey) para el Proyecto Europeo de Educación Inclusiva denominado LOVEDISTANCE (Learning Optimization and Academic Inclusion Via Equitative Distance Teaching and Learning). El supuesto inicial es que el instrumento puede ser útil, pero está desactualizado y no necesariamente enfocado a los objetivos del proyecto LOVEDISTANCE, en particular al de Educación Inclusiva. El ejercicio académico se llevó a cabo en la Universidad de Levinsky, en Tel Aviv, Israel, y el análisis de la información se hizo con un enfoque cuanti-cualitativo, donde se utilizó, en una primera parte, la medida del consenso entre expertos para medir la fiabilidad estadística de las respuestas de los expertos, y después se realizó un análisis de la varianza (ANOVA) para determinar si existían diferencias significativas entre las medias de los grupos; posteriormente, se hizo un análisis cualitativo pormenorizado de las observaciones a partir de tres ejes de análisis: consideraciones del ejercicio investigativo, perfil de los investigadores y análisis de cada escala del instrumento. Algunas de las conclusiones más relevantes fueron que el instrumento es, en su mayoría, útil para los propósitos del proyecto LOVEDISTANCE, pero precisa mejoras en lo referido a las siguientes escalas: relevancia del aprendizaje para el alumno, apoyo por parte del instructor y la medición en la autonomía del estudiante.
Garat de Marin, Mirtha Silvana; Rodríguez Velasco, Carmen Lilí; Prola, Thomas y Soriano Flores, Emmanuel
Readaptación de un instrumento para la evaluación de entornos virtuales de aprendizaje en el proyecto europeo de educación inclusiva denominado LOVEDISTANCE.
MLS Educational Research, 8 (1).
ISSN 2603-5820
Materias > Educación
Universidad Europea del Atlántico > Investigación > Revistas Científicas
Fundación Universitaria Internacional de Colombia > Investigación > Revistas Científicas
Universidad Internacional Iberoamericana México > Investigación > Revistas Científicas
Universidad Internacional Iberoamericana Puerto Rico > Investigación > Revistas Científicas
Universidad Internacional do Cuanza > Investigación > Revistas Científicas
La revista MLS Pedagogy, Culture and Innovation (MLSPCI) nace como una publicación interdisciplinar en la que tienen cabida todo tipo de trabajos procedentes del ámbito académico, social o cultural en los que prime el carácter innovador de las aportaciones. Abarca un gran número de temáticas actuales como pueden ser la tecnología educativa, interculturalidad e inclusión, desarrollo curricular, formación docente, tutoría, organización de centros, entre otras.
La revista está abierta a recibir estudios y experiencias sobre las mismas de ámbito europeo e iberoamericano preferentemente. Los artículos se publican en español, portugués e inglés. A partir de esta misma página, podrá acceder a los índices de todas las ediciones de la revista, los resúmenes del artículo y los textos completos. Asimismo, en la sección "Sobre la revista" encontrará toda la información sobre nuestra revista, su equipo editorial, sistema de publicación y envíos en línea.
Multi-Lingual Scientific Journals, (MLS)
MLS Pedagogy, Culture and Innovation.
Materias > Educación física y el deporte
Universidad Internacional Iberoamericana México > Investigación > Producción Científica
Universidad Internacional do Cuanza > Investigación > Artículos y libros
Inglés, Español
Este estudio pretendía conocer cómo incide la aplicación del método continuo variable en la mejora de la resistencia de las participantes en las clases de bailoterapia. El objetivo general de este proyecto fue diseñar una propuesta de aplicación del método continuo variable en las clases de bailoterapia para lograr el mejoramiento de la resistencia. Se realizó un estudio de tipo cuantitativo, experimental de corte transversal y de campo, participaron un total de 20 mujeres adultas, con edades entre 20 y 59 años. Para saber el estado inicial de resistencia se llevó a cabo una evaluación pre intervención registrando los resultados en fichas de observación. Se utilizó la estadística t de Student para muestras relacionadas por tratarse del mismo grupo evaluado en una pre y post evaluación para comparar las medias en relación a los objetivos de la investigación. De los resultados obtenidos, se aprecia que existe un incremento significativo de la resistencia observada en la pre evaluación de cansancio parcial con una media de 12,95 minutos y la post evaluación de cansancio parcial con una media de 22,75 minutos, con un nivel de confianza de 0,05, observando un valor de p =,000. Así mismo, se aprecia que existe un incremento de la resistencia observada en la pre evaluación de cansancio total con una media de 19,80 minutos y en la post evaluación de cansancio total con 30,40 minutos, con un nivel de confianza de 0,05, observando un valor de p =,000.
Puebla, Zandy Alexandra y Hernández Cruz, Leonardo de Jesús
Aplicación del método continuo variable en la planificación de las clases de bailoterapia para el mejoramiento de la resistencia de las participantes de la parroquia "grl. Pedro J. Montero" del cantón Yaguachi, Ecuador.
MLS Sport Research, 2 (2).
Artículo Materias > Educación Universidad Internacional do Cuanza > Investigación > Artículos y libros Abierto Español Compartimos una experiencia de capacitación docente que tuvo lugar en el contexto del Proyecto de Extensión Olhares Sul-Rio-grandenses para la Educación de Jóvenes y Adultos (OSEJA), realizado con 180 maestros de escuelas públicas, de mayo de 2013 a enero de 2015. metadata Pereira, Vilmar Alves mail SIN ESPECIFICAR (2020) La lectura de mundo de Paulo Freire y las narrativas en la formación de educadores de EJA en el sur de Brasil. Decisio. pp. 44-49. ISSN 2448-7376
Materias > Biomedicina
Materias > Ingeniería
Universidad Europea del Atlántico > Investigación > Producción Científica
Fundación Universitaria Internacional de Colombia > Investigación > Producción Científica
Universidad Internacional Iberoamericana México > Investigación > Producción Científica
Universidad Internacional Iberoamericana Puerto Rico > Investigación > Producción Científica
Universidad Internacional do Cuanza > Investigación > Artículos y libros
Patient care and convenience remain the concern of medical professionals and caregivers alike. An unconscious patient confined to a bed may develop fluid accumulation and pressure sores due to inactivity and deficiency of oxygen flow. Moreover, weight monitoring is crucial for an effective treatment plan, which is difficult to measure for bedridden patients. This paper presents the design and development of a smart and cost-effective independent system for lateral rotation, movement, weight measurement, and transporting immobile patients. Optimal dimensions and practical design specifications are determined by a survey across various hospitals. Subsequently, the proposed hoist-based weighing and turning mechanism is CAD-modeled and simulated. Later, the structural analysis is carried out to select suitable metallurgy for various sub-assemblies to ensure design reliability. After fabrication, optimization, integration, and testing procedures, the base frame is designed to mount a hydraulic motor for the actuator, a DC power source for self-sustenance, and lockable wheels for portability. The installation of a weighing scale and a hydraulic actuator is ensured to lift the patient for weight measuring up to 600 pounds or lateral turning of 80 degrees both ways. The developed system offers simple operating characteristics, allows for keeping patient weight records, and assists nurses in changing patients’ lateral positions both ways, comfortably massage patients’ backs, and transport them from one bed to another. Additionally, being lightweight offers reduced contact with the patient to increase the healthcare staff’s safety in pandemics; it is also height adjustable and portable, allowing for use with multiple-sized beds and easy transportation across the medical facility. The feedback from paramedics is encouraging regarding reducing labor-intensive nursing tasks, alleviating the discomfort of long-term bed-ridden patients, and allowing medical practitioners to suggest better treatment plans
Shafi, Imran; Farooq, Muhammad Siddique; De La Torre Díez, Isabel; Breñosa, Jose; Martínez Espinosa, Julio César y Ashraf, Imran
Design and Development of Smart Weight Measurement, Lateral Turning and Transfer Bedding for Unconscious Patients in Pandemics.
Healthcare, 10 (11).
p. 2174.
ISSN 2227-9032
<a class="ep_document_link" href="/16734/1/nutrients-17-00577.pdf"><img class="ep_doc_icon" alt="[img]" src="/style/images/fileicons/text.png" border="0"/></a>
Mediterranean Diet and Quality of Life in Adults: A Systematic Review
Background/Objectives: With the increasing life expectancy and, as a result, the aging of the global population, there has been a rise in the prevalence of chronic conditions, which can significantly impact individuals’ health-related quality of life, a multidimensional concept that comprises an individual’s physical, mental, and social wellbeing. While a balanced, nutrient-dense diet, such as Mediterranean diet, is widely recognized for its role in chronic disease prevention, particularly in reducing the risk of cardiovascular diseases and certain cancers, its potential benefits extend beyond these well-known effects, showing promise in improving physical and mental wellbeing, and promoting health-related quality of life. Methods: A systematic search of the scientific literature in electronic databases (Pubmed/Medline) was performed to identify potentially eligible studies reporting on the relation between adherence to the Mediterranean diet and health-related quality of life, published up to December 2024. Results: A total of 28 studies were included in this systematic review, comprising 13 studies conducted among the general population and 15 studies involving various types of patients. Overall, most studies showed a significant association between adherence to the Mediterranean diet and HRQoL, with the most significant results retrieved for physical domains of quality of life, suggesting that diet seems to play a relevant role in both the general population and people affected by chronic conditions with an inflammatory basis. Conclusions: Adherence to the Mediterranean diet provides significant benefits in preventing and managing various chronic diseases commonly associated with aging populations. Furthermore, it enhances the overall health and quality of life of aging individuals, ultimately supporting more effective and less invasive treatment approaches for chronic diseases.
Justyna Godos mail , Monica Guglielmetti mail , Cinzia Ferraris mail , Evelyn Frias-Toral mail , Irma Dominguez Azpíroz mail, Vivian Lipari mail, Andrea Di Mauro mail , Fabrizio Furnari mail , Sabrina Castellano mail , Fabio Galvano mail , Licia Iacoviello mail , Marialaura Bonaccio mail , Giuseppe Grosso mail ,
<a href="/15983/1/Food%20Science%20%20%20Nutrition%20-%202025%20-%20Tanveer%20-%20Novel%20Transfer%20Learning%20Approach%20for%20Detecting%20Infected%20and%20Healthy%20Maize%20Crop.pdf" class="ep_document_link"><img class="ep_doc_icon" alt="[img]" src="/style/images/fileicons/text.png" border="0"/></a>
Novel Transfer Learning Approach for Detecting Infected and Healthy Maize Crop Using Leaf Images
Maize is a staple crop worldwide, essential for food security, livestock feed, and industrial uses. Its health directly impacts agricultural productivity and economic stability. Effective detection of maize crop health is crucial for preventing disease spread and ensuring high yields. This study presents VG-GNBNet, an innovative transfer learning model that accurately detects healthy and infected maize crops through a two-step feature extraction process. The proposed model begins by leveraging the visual geometry group (VGG-16) network to extract initial pixel-based spatial features from the crop images. These features are then further refined using the Gaussian Naive Bayes (GNB) model and feature decomposition-based matrix factorization mechanism, which generates more informative features for classification purposes. This study incorporates machine learning models to ensure a comprehensive evaluation. By comparing VG-GNBNet's performance against these models, we validate its robustness and accuracy. Integrating deep learning and machine learning techniques allows VG-GNBNet to capitalize on the strengths of both approaches, leading to superior performance. Extensive experiments demonstrate that the proposed VG-GNBNet+GNB model significantly outperforms other models, achieving an impressive accuracy score of 99.85%. This high accuracy highlights the model's potential for practical application in the agricultural sector, where the precise detection of crop health is crucial for effective disease management and yield optimization.
Muhammad Usama Tanveer mail , Kashif Munir mail , Ali Raza mail , Laith Abualigah mail , Helena Garay mail, Luis Eduardo Prado González mail, Imran Ashraf mail ,
<a href="/16270/1/s12880-024-01546-4.pdf" class="ep_document_link"><img class="ep_doc_icon" alt="[img]" src="/style/images/fileicons/text.png" border="0"/></a>
Novel transfer learning based bone fracture detection using radiographic images
A bone fracture is a medical condition characterized by a partial or complete break in the continuity of the bone. Fractures are primarily caused by injuries and accidents, affecting millions of people worldwide. The healing process for a fracture can take anywhere from one month to one year, leading to significant economic and psychological challenges for patients. The detection of bone fractures is crucial, and radiographic images are often relied on for accurate assessment. An efficient neural network method is essential for the early detection and timely treatment of fractures. In this study, we propose a novel transfer learning-based approach called MobLG-Net for feature engineering purposes. Initially, the spatial features are extracted from bone X-ray images using a transfer model, MobileNet, and then input into a tree-based light gradient boosting machine (LGBM) model for the generation of class probability features. Several machine learning (ML) techniques are applied to the subsets of newly generated transfer features to compare the results. K-nearest neighbor (KNN), LGBM, logistic regression (LR), and random forest (RF) are implemented using the novel features with optimized hyperparameters. The LGBM and LR models trained on proposed MobLG-Net (MobileNet-LGBM) based features outperformed others, achieving an accuracy of 99% in predicting bone fractures. A cross-validation mechanism is used to evaluate the performance of each model. The proposed study can improve the detection of bone fractures using X-ray images.
Aneeza Alam mail , Ahmad Sami Al-Shamayleh mail , Nisrean Thalji mail , Ali Raza mail , Edgar Aníbal Morales Barajas mail , Ernesto Bautista Thompson mail, Isabel de la Torre Diez mail , Imran Ashraf mail ,
<a href="/16273/1/v16p0506.pdf" class="ep_document_link"><img class="ep_doc_icon" alt="[img]" src="/style/images/fileicons/text.png" border="0"/></a>
Hybrid Model with Wavelet Decomposition and EfficientNet for Accurate Skin Cancer Classification
Faced with anomalies in medical images, Deep learning is facing major challenges in detecting, diagnosing, and classifying the various pathologies that can be treated via medical imaging. The main challenges encountered are mainly due to the imbalance and variability of the data, as well as its complexity. The detection and classification of skin diseases is one such challenge that researchers are trying to overcome, as these anomalies present great variability in terms of appearance, texture, color, and localization, which sometimes makes them difficult to identify accurately and quickly, particularly by doctors, or by the various Deep Learning techniques on offer. In this study, an innovative and robust hybrid architecture is unveiled, underscoring the symbiotic potential of wavelet decomposition in conjunction with EfficientNet models. This approach integrates wavelet transformations with an EfficientNet backbone and incorporates advanced data augmentation, loss function, and optimization strategies. The model tested on the publicly accessible HAM10000 and ISIC2017 datasets has achieved an accuracy rate of 94.7%, and 92.2% respectively.
Amina Aboulmira mail , Hamid Hrimech mail , Mohamed Lachgar mail , Mohamed Hanine mail , Carlos Manuel Osorio García mail, Gerardo Méndez Mezquita mail , Imran Ashraf mail ,
<a href="/16577/1/nutrients-17-00521-v2.pdf" class="ep_document_link"><img class="ep_doc_icon" alt="[img]" src="/style/images/fileicons/text.png" border="0"/></a>
Nut Consumption Is Associated with Cognitive Status in Southern Italian Adults
Background: Nut consumption has been considered a potential protective factor against cognitive decline. The aim of this study was to test whether higher total and specific nut intake was associated with better cognitive status in a sample of older Italian adults. Methods: A cross-sectional analysis on 883 older adults (>50 y) was conducted. A 110-item food frequency questionnaire was used to collect information on the consumption of various types of nuts. The Short Portable Mental Status Questionnaire was used to assess cognitive status. Multivariate logistic regression analyses were performed to calculate odds ratios (ORs) and 95% confidence intervals (CIs) for the association between nut intake and cognitive status after adjusting for potential confounding factors. Results: The median intake of total nuts was 11.7 g/day and served as a cut-off to categorize low and high consumers (mean intake 4.3 g/day vs. 39.7 g/day, respectively). Higher total nut intake was significantly associated with a lower prevalence of impaired cognitive status among older individuals (OR = 0.35, CI 95%: 0.15, 0.84) after adjusting for potential confounding factors. Notably, this association remained significant after additional adjustment for adherence to the Mediterranean dietary pattern as an indicator of diet quality, (OR = 0.32, CI 95%: 0.13, 0.77). No significant associations were found between cognitive status and specific types of nuts. Conclusions: Habitual nut intake is associated with better cognitive status in older adults.
Justyna Godos mail , Francesca Giampieri mail, Evelyn Frias-Toral mail , Raynier Zambrano-Villacres mail , Angel Olider Rojas Vistorte mail, Vanessa Yélamos Torres mail, Maurizio Battino mail, Fabio Galvano mail , Sabrina Castellano mail , Giuseppe Grosso mail ,