Documentos donde el Tema es "Materias > Educación"
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Materias > Educación
Universidad Europea del Atlántico > Investigación > Producción Científica
Universidad Internacional Iberoamericana México > Investigación > Producción Científica
Universidad Internacional Iberoamericana Puerto Rico > Investigación > Producción Científica
Universidad Internacional do Cuanza > Investigación > Artículos y libros
The main aim of this study was to analyse the influence of e-learning training on the acquisition of competences in basketball coaches in Cantabria. The current landscape of basketball coach training shows an increasing demand for innovative training models and emerging pedagogies, including e-learning-based methodologies. The study sample consisted of fifty students from these courses, all above 16 years of age (36 males, 14 females). Among them, 16% resided outside the autonomous community of Cantabria, 10% resided more than 50 km from the city of Santander, 36% between 10 and 50 km, 14% less than 10 km, and 24% resided within Santander city. Data were collected through a Google Forms survey distributed by the Cantabrian Basketball Federation to training course students. Participation was voluntary and anonymous. The survey, consisting of 56 questions, was validated by two sports and health doctors and two senior basketball coaches. The collected data were processed and analysed using Microsoft® Excel version 16.74, and the results were expressed in percentages. The analysis revealed that 24.60% of the students trained through the e-learning methodology considered themselves fully qualified as basketball coaches, contrasting with 10.98% of those trained via traditional face-to-face methodology. The results of the study provide insights into important characteristics that can be adjusted and improved within the investigated educational process. Moreover, the study concludes that e-learning training effectively qualifies basketball coaches in Cantabria.
Alemany Iturriaga, Josep; Velarde-Sotres, Álvaro; Jorge, Javier y Giglio, Kamil
Influence of E-learning training on the acquisition of competences in basketball coaches in Cantabria.
Cogent Education, 11 (1).
ISSN 2331-186X
Materias > Educación
Universidad Europea del Atlántico > Investigación > Revistas Científicas
Fundación Universitaria Internacional de Colombia > Investigación > Revistas Científicas
Universidad Internacional Iberoamericana México > Investigación > Revistas Científicas
Universidad Internacional Iberoamericana Puerto Rico > Investigación > Revistas Científicas
Universidad Internacional do Cuanza > Investigación > Revistas Científicas
La revista MLS Pedagogy, Culture and Innovation (MLSPCI) nace como una publicación interdisciplinar en la que tienen cabida todo tipo de trabajos procedentes del ámbito académico, social o cultural en los que prime el carácter innovador de las aportaciones. Abarca un gran número de temáticas actuales como pueden ser la tecnología educativa, interculturalidad e inclusión, desarrollo curricular, formación docente, tutoría, organización de centros, entre otras.
La revista está abierta a recibir estudios y experiencias sobre las mismas de ámbito europeo e iberoamericano preferentemente. Los artículos se publican en español, portugués e inglés. A partir de esta misma página, podrá acceder a los índices de todas las ediciones de la revista, los resúmenes del artículo y los textos completos. Asimismo, en la sección "Sobre la revista" encontrará toda la información sobre nuestra revista, su equipo editorial, sistema de publicación y envíos en línea.
Multi-Lingual Scientific Journals, (MLS)
MLS Pedagogy, Culture and Innovation.
Materias > Educación
Universidad Europea del Atlántico > Investigación > Producción Científica
Universidad Internacional Iberoamericana Puerto Rico > Investigación > Producción Científica
Universidad Internacional do Cuanza > Investigación > Artículos y libros
Esta investigación tuvo por objetivo valorar la utilización de un Instrumento para la evaluación de Entornos Virtuales de Aprendizaje (EVA), específicamente el DELES (Distance Education Learning Environments Survey) para el Proyecto Europeo de Educación Inclusiva denominado LOVEDISTANCE (Learning Optimization and Academic Inclusion Via Equitative Distance Teaching and Learning). El supuesto inicial es que el instrumento puede ser útil, pero está desactualizado y no necesariamente enfocado a los objetivos del proyecto LOVEDISTANCE, en particular al de Educación Inclusiva. El ejercicio académico se llevó a cabo en la Universidad de Levinsky, en Tel Aviv, Israel, y el análisis de la información se hizo con un enfoque cuanti-cualitativo, donde se utilizó, en una primera parte, la medida del consenso entre expertos para medir la fiabilidad estadística de las respuestas de los expertos, y después se realizó un análisis de la varianza (ANOVA) para determinar si existían diferencias significativas entre las medias de los grupos; posteriormente, se hizo un análisis cualitativo pormenorizado de las observaciones a partir de tres ejes de análisis: consideraciones del ejercicio investigativo, perfil de los investigadores y análisis de cada escala del instrumento. Algunas de las conclusiones más relevantes fueron que el instrumento es, en su mayoría, útil para los propósitos del proyecto LOVEDISTANCE, pero precisa mejoras en lo referido a las siguientes escalas: relevancia del aprendizaje para el alumno, apoyo por parte del instructor y la medición en la autonomía del estudiante.
Garat de Marin, Mirtha Silvana; Rodríguez Velasco, Carmen Lilí; Prola, Thomas y Soriano Flores, Emmanuel
Readaptación de un instrumento para la evaluación de entornos virtuales de aprendizaje en el proyecto europeo de educación inclusiva denominado LOVEDISTANCE.
MLS Educational Research, 8 (1).
ISSN 2603-5820
Materias > Ciencias Sociales
Materias > Educación
Universidad Internacional do Cuanza > Investigación > Artículos y libros
O quadro legal angolano para o subsistema de ensino superior cresceu significativamente desde 2009, um crescimento que tem estado a visar o aumento da transparência e da qualidade dos processos educacionais nas instituições de ensino superior (IES) angolanas. Entretanto, a qualidade do ensino superior em Angola não sofreu melhorias significativas por não se estar a cumprir escrupulosamente com o quadro legal de forma sistemática, o que tem resultado em encerramentos de cursos e instituições do ensino superior. Este artigo tem como objetivo principal desenvolver um instrumento de auto- monitorização da conformidade legal que pode ajudar as IES angolanas a tirarem mais proveito do quadro legal do ensino superior. Por intermédio de um levantamento bibliográfico das leis relevantes ao ensino superior em Angola, a identificação de obrigações legais nestas e o desenvolvimento de uma série de tabelas de verificação de conformidade, este estudo apresenta uma checklist de auto verificação da conformidade entre o funcionamento das instituições do ensino superior e o quadro legal relevante ao ensino superior em Angola. Pela utilização deste instrumento, foi possível dissecar as obrigações legais em requisitos ou critérios. Foi também possível estabelecer três graus de conformidade legal, nomeadamente: total, parcial e nenhuma. Notou-se, de igual forma, a existência de um total de 83 obrigações legais das instituições do ensino superior em Angola, sendo os regulamentos e as normas as fontes do maior número de obrigações. Destes, existem entre cinco a quinze requisitos legais por obrigação, perfazendo um volume enorme de requisitos legais com os quais as IES em Angola devem mostrar conformidade legal. A aplicação da checklist permite a gestão desse leque diverso e numeroso de requisitos específicos legais. São sugeridas várias medidas complementares ao quadro legal que devem ser implementadas em Angola com o intuito de se criar uma cultura de conformidade legal no ensino superior, promovendo-se, deste modo, a sua qualidade.
da Costa Canoquena, João Manuel; Castro Rodríguez, María Elena y Moreira Cabrera, Yanisleidy
Conformidade legal no ensino superior em Angola: criação de um instrumento de gestão das obrigações legais.
Sapientiae, 8 (2).
pp. 203-226.
ISSN 2183-5063
Materias > Educación
Materias > Comunicación
Materias > Psicología
Universidad Europea del Atlántico > Investigación > Producción Científica
Fundación Universitaria Internacional de Colombia > Investigación > Producción Científica
Universidad Internacional Iberoamericana México > Investigación > Producción Científica
Universidad Internacional Iberoamericana Puerto Rico > Investigación > Producción Científica
Universidad Internacional do Cuanza > Investigación > Artículos y libros
Communication professionals are experiencing a growing level of exposure to traumatic events as a result of their involvement in the coverage of various tragedies, including accidents, climatic disasters, rights violations, and acts of terrorism. However, it is worth noting that journalism and communication university courses often lack comprehensive instruction on effectively managing emotional challenges, anxiety, trauma, self-care, and the prevention of vicarious trauma. The objective of this study is to assess the inclusion of emotional management within the curricula of Journalism and Communication programmes offered by two universities in Catalonia, namely the University of Barcelona and the Autonomous University of Barcelona. In order to accomplish this objective, a series of semi-structured interviews were carried out with a total of twelve (12) professors who specialise in the fields of Journalism and Communication. Additionally, a thorough analysis was conducted on a set of 97 study plan guides. The results indicate that none of the participants in the interviews possess knowledge regarding any existing training programmes focused on emotional management. Furthermore, they unanimously agree on the importance of implementing such courses. The study plans did not include any subjects that were specifically dedicated to the topic of emotional management. This study presents a set of strategies aimed at creating a cross-disciplinary teaching-learning model that offers a comprehensive educational experience for students. This entails integrating precise subject matter on the previously mentioned topics, fostering critical contemplation and discourse regarding emotions within the educational setting, and advocating for ethical and sound professional behaviours.
Escudero, Carolina; Prola, Thomas; Fraga, Leticia y Soriano Flores, Emmanuel
Emotional Management in Journalism and Communication Studies.
Social Space, 23 (2).
pp. 507-534.
Materias > Ingeniería
Materias > Educación
Universidad Europea del Atlántico > Investigación > Producción Científica
Universidad Internacional Iberoamericana México > Investigación > Producción Científica
Universidad Internacional Iberoamericana Puerto Rico > Investigación > Producción Científica
Universidad Internacional do Cuanza > Investigación > Artículos y libros
The purpose of this research article was to contrast the benefits of the optimal probability threshold adjustment technique with other imbalanced data processing techniques, in its application to the prediction of post-graduate students’ late dropout from distance learning courses in two universities in the Ibero-American space. In this context, the optimization of the Logistic Regression, Random Forest, and Neural Network classifiers, together with different techniques, attributes, and algorithms (Hyperparameters, SMOTE, SMOTE_SVM, and ADASYN) resulted in a set of metrics for decision-making, prioritizing the reduction of false negatives. The best model was the Neural Network model in combination with SMOTE_SVM, obtaining a recall index of 0.75 and an f1-Score of 0.60. Likewise, the robustness of the Random Forest classifier for imbalanced data was demonstrated by achieving, with an optimal threshold of 0.427, very similar metrics to those obtained by the consensus of the three best models found. This demonstrates that, for Random Forest, the optimal prediction probability threshold is an excellent alternative to resampling techniques with different optimal thresholds. Finally, it is hoped that this research paper will contribute to boost the application of this simple but powerful technique, which is highly underrated with respect to data resampling techniques for imbalanced data.
Rodríguez Velasco, Carmen Lilí; García Villena, Eduardo; Brito Ballester, Julién; Durántez Prados, Frigdiano Álvaro; Silva Alvarado, Eduardo René y Crespo Álvarez, Jorge
Forecasting of Post-Graduate Students’ Late Dropout Based on the Optimal Probability Threshold Adjustment Technique for Imbalanced Data.
International Journal of Emerging Technologies in Learning (iJET), 18 (04).
pp. 120-155.
ISSN 1863-0383
Materias > Educación
Universidad Europea del Atlántico > Investigación > Producción Científica
Fundación Universitaria Internacional de Colombia > Investigación > Producción Científica
Universidad Internacional Iberoamericana México > Investigación > Producción Científica
Universidad Internacional Iberoamericana Puerto Rico > Investigación > Producción Científica
Universidad Internacional do Cuanza > Investigación > Artículos y libros
Regulatory dispersion and a utilitarian use of sustainability deepen the gap within the teaching–learning process and limit the introduction of sustainable criteria in organizations through projects. The objective of this research consisted in developing a sustainable and holistic educational proposal for an online postgraduate program belonging to the Universidad Europea del Atlántico (UNEATLANTICO) within the field of projects. The proposal was based on the instrumentalization of a model comprised of national and international bibliographic references, resulting in a sustainability guide with significant improvements in relation to the reference standard par excellence: ISO 26000:2010. This guide formed the basis of a sustainability management plan, which was key in the project methodology and during the development of sustainable objectives and descriptors for each of the subjects. Lastly, the entities, attributes, and cardinal relationships were established for the development of a physical model used to facilitate the management of all this information within a SQL database. The rigor when determining the educational program, as well as the subsequent analysis of results as supported by the literature review, presupposes the application of this methodology toward other multidisciplinary programs contributing to the adoption of good sustainability practices within the educational field
Gracia Villar, Mónica; Álvarez, Roberto Marcelo; Brie, Santiago; Miró Vera, Yini Airet y García Villena, Eduardo
Integration of Sustainable Criteria in the Development of a Proposal for an Online Postgraduate Program in the Projects Area.
Education Sciences, 13 (1).
p. 97.
ISSN 2227-7102
Materias > Educación
Universidad Europea del Atlántico > Investigación > Producción Científica
Universidad Internacional Iberoamericana México > Investigación > Producción Científica
Universidad Internacional do Cuanza > Investigación > Artículos y libros
The United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) highlights the relevance of using information and communications technology (ICT) in education for improving the quality of education. To achieve this goal, it is necessary to extend research on digital competences in education. To advance the development of digital competencies it is necessary to take account of how teachers perceive these. In addition, systematic reviews of the literature on ICT and education show an imbalance regarding the amount of research from Africa compared to other regions of the world. In this sense, the objective of this study carried out between March 2019 and April 2020 was to analyse the perceptions of primary school teachers from 8 African countries about their digital competences. The teachers were master’s students in teacher training on virtual platforms. A mixed methodological perspective (quantitative-qualitative) was adopted and a questionnaire with closed and open-ended questions was applied. The quantitative and qualitative analyses show that the teachers recognised their digital competence at all 3 levels. The needs highlighted by teachers were in developing their knowledge of how to create content with the support of technology. However, the available resources, which differed in the participants’ work contexts and did not enable the equal use of ICT in all African countries, was an important issue highlighted by the participants. It is recommended that teacher training in digital competence is prepared using instructional design that promotes innovation and contact with real teaching-learning situations.
Sartor-Harada, Andresa; Azevedo-Gomes, Juliana; Ulloa-Guerra, Oscar; Ruiz Salces, Roberto y Calderón Iglesias, Rubén
Digital competencies: perceptions of primary school teachers pursuing master’s degrees from eight African countries.
SA Journal of Education, 42 (3).
ISSN 2076-3433
Materias > Educación
Universidad Europea del Atlántico > Investigación > Revistas Científicas
Fundación Universitaria Internacional de Colombia > Investigación > Revistas Científicas
Universidad Internacional Iberoamericana México > Investigación > Revistas Científicas
Universidad Internacional Iberoamericana Puerto Rico > Investigación > Revistas Científicas
Universidad Internacional do Cuanza > Investigación > Revistas Científicas
Antigua Revista internacional de apoyo a la inclusión, logopedia, sociedad y multiculturalidad
La revista MLS Inclusion and Society Journal es la continuación de la Revista internacional de apoyo a la inclusión, logopedia, sociedad y multiculturalidad (RIAI), revista heredera de la revista RIALAIM con mayor antigüedad, pero de la cual se independizó para tomar las directrices de las revistas actuales con indicadores de impacto. La revista MLS Inclusion and Society Journal cuenta actualmente con artículos de investigación y teóricos, tanto internacionales como nacionales, que están arbitrados por pares ciegos externos a la revista, en un proceso riguroso de selección. Los ejes temáticos son: educación inclusiva, logopedia, sociedad y multiculturalidad. La MLS Inclusion and Society Journal tiene una periodicidad de dos números al año (junio y diciembre)
MLS Inclusion and Society Journal.
Materias > Educación
Universidad Internacional Iberoamericana México > Investigación > Producción Científica
Universidad Internacional do Cuanza > Investigación > Artículos y libros
O presente trabalho foi desenvolvido no âmbito de um projeto de pesquisa, para validar o uso do portfólio no desenvolvimento da aprendizagem reflexiva em alunos de cursos à distância e assim, evidenciar as vantagens do uso desta ferramenta para a reflexão no aprendizado. Foram avaliados os estilos de aprendizagem promovidos pela ferramenta em 6 diferentes países em 2 cursos de mestrado. Evidenciou-se que o portfólio digital, implementado como recurso para a aprendizagem e não apenas para avaliação, promoveu estilos relacionados à competência reflexiva, resultando útil para o desenvolvimento de currículos nos programas de formação de professores.
Sartor-Harada, Andresa; Ulloa Guerra, Oscar; Cordovés Santiesteban, Alexander Armando y Cordero, Yoanky
Portfólio digital docente para o desenvolvimento do aprendizado reflexivo.
Profesorado, Revista de Currículum y Formación del Profesorado, 26 (3).
pp. 311-338.
ISSN 1138-414X
Materias > Educación
Universidad Europea del Atlántico > Investigación > Producción Científica
Universidad Internacional Iberoamericana México > Investigación > Producción Científica
Universidad Internacional Iberoamericana Puerto Rico > Investigación > Producción Científica
Universidad Internacional do Cuanza > Investigación > Artículos y libros
The purpose of this article was to evaluate the level of satisfaction of a sample of graduates in relation to different online postgraduate programs in the environmental area, as part of the process of continuous improvement in which the educational institution was immersed for the renewal of its accreditation before the corresponding official bodies. Based on the bibliographic review of a series of models and tools, a Likert scale measurement instrument was developed. This instrument, once applied and validated, showed a good level of reliability, with more than three quarters of the participants having a positive evaluation of satisfaction. Likewise, to facilitate the relational study, and after confirming the suitability of performing a factor analysis, four variable grouping factors were determined, which explained a good part of the variability of the instrument’s items. As a result of the analysis, it was found that there were significant values of low satisfaction in graduates from the Eurasian area, mainly in terms of organizational issues and academic expectations. On the other hand, it was observed that the methodological aspects of the “Auditing” and “Biodiversity” programs showed higher levels of dissatisfaction than the rest, with no statistically significant relationships between gender, entry profile or age groups. The methodology followed and the rigor in determining the validity and reliability of the instrument, as well as the subsequent analysis of the results, endorsed by the review of the documented information, suggest that the instrument can be applied to other multidisciplinary programs for decision making with guarantees in the educational field
García Villena, Eduardo; Pueyo Villa, Silvia; Delgado Noya, Irene; Tutusaus, Kilian; Ruiz Salces, Roberto y Pascual Barrera, Alina Eugenia
Instrumentalization of a Model for the Evaluation of the Level of Satisfaction of Graduates under an E-Learning Methodology: A Case Analysis Oriented to Postgraduate Studies in the Environmental Field.
Sustainability, 13 (9).
p. 5112.
ISSN 2071-1050
Materias > Ingeniería
Materias > Educación
Universidad Europea del Atlántico > Investigación > Proyectos I+D+I
Fundación Universitaria Internacional de Colombia > Investigación > Proyectos I+D+I
Universidad Internacional Iberoamericana México > Investigación > Proyectos I+D+I
Universidad Internacional Iberoamericana Puerto Rico > Investigación > Proyectos I+D+I
Universidad Internacional do Cuanza > Investigación > Proyectos I+D+I
1- Gestionar online el proceso de revisión de contenidos recibidos y gestionarlo a distancia, contando con usuarios que se conectan al sistema de forma online y aportan sus valoraciones a través de la misma plataforma. En este caso se trata de facilitar un flujo de trabajo entre los diferentes participantes en el proceso (director de revista, editor en jefe, editor y revisor), de forma que puedan optimizar su productividad y trabajar de forma asincrónica sobre unos mismos contenidos editoriales y siguiendo un proceso homogéneo de acuerdo a nuestros procedimientos.
2- Automatizar determinados procesos de revisión de contenidos. En concreto, habíamos considerado de interés mejorar el proceso de revisión del formato de los artículos recibidos gracias a un software basado en inteligencia artificial. Teniendo en cuenta que los artículos científicos tienen una estructura y contenidos normalizados, pensamos que era posible automatizar algunos elementos de la revisión preliminar de contenidos.
3- Disponer de una solución para la fidelización de autores-revisores generando automáticamente certificados de participación como revisores de artículos científicos. Teniendo en cuenta la dificultad de lograr la participación de revisores científicos, y como parte del sistema de fidelización, se propuso una innovación en la plataforma, que permite generar de forma automática un auto-certificado para los revisores.
4- Estudiar la aplicación de los metadatos, las plataformas multilingües y las de e-commerce para distribución de contenidos. En este caso, lo que se hizo fue solicitar unos estudios de vigilancia tecnológica relacionados con:
- Estándares internacionales para la creación de metadatos que nos permitan indexar de la mejor manera posible nuestros contenidos.
- Estándares para plataformas multilingües que nos fueran de aplicación para crear un sistema de gestión de contenidos multi-idioma enlazado con los procesos de traducción.
- Plataformas de e-commerce adaptadas a la distribución de contenidos electrónicos que nos permitiesen monetizar determinados contenidos y venderlos en Internet.
Estudios de vigilancia tecnológica y proyecto piloto para revista electrónica.
Repositorio de la Universidad.
Artículo Materias > Educación Universidad Internacional do Cuanza > Investigación > Artículos y libros Abierto Español Compartimos una experiencia de capacitación docente que tuvo lugar en el contexto del Proyecto de Extensión Olhares Sul-Rio-grandenses para la Educación de Jóvenes y Adultos (OSEJA), realizado con 180 maestros de escuelas públicas, de mayo de 2013 a enero de 2015. metadata Pereira, Vilmar Alves mail SIN ESPECIFICAR (2020) La lectura de mundo de Paulo Freire y las narrativas en la formación de educadores de EJA en el sur de Brasil. Decisio. pp. 44-49. ISSN 2448-7376
Materias > Educación
Universidad Europea del Atlántico > Investigación > Revistas Científicas
Fundación Universitaria Internacional de Colombia > Investigación > Revistas Científicas
Universidad Internacional Iberoamericana México > Investigación > Revistas Científicas
Universidad Internacional Iberoamericana Puerto Rico > Investigación > Revistas Científicas
Universidad Internacional do Cuanza > Investigación > Revistas Científicas
La revista MLS Educational Research nace como una publicación semestral con el objetivo de contribuir al debate y mejorar la comprensión de la práctica educativa, la innovación pedagógica y la investigación en general. Los artículos incluidos en esta revista se publican en español, portugués e inglés. La vocación internacional de esta revista lo hace apto para difundir el conocimiento de los diferentes ambientes socioculturales.
MLS Educational Research.
Materias > Educación
Universidad Europea del Atlántico > Investigación > Proyectos I+D+I
Fundación Universitaria Internacional de Colombia > Investigación > Proyectos I+D+I
Universidad Internacional Iberoamericana México > Investigación > Proyectos I+D+I
Universidad Internacional Iberoamericana Puerto Rico > Investigación > Proyectos I+D+I
Universidad Internacional do Cuanza > Investigación > Proyectos I+D+I
El e-learning como modalidad de enseñanza-aprendizaje introduce especificidades en cuanto a las funciones y competencias docentes: nuevos entornos de aprendizaje suponen nuevos enfoques para entenderlos, diseñarlos y gestionarlos.
La empresa MLSJOURNALS pretende desarrollar una nueva línea de servicios para Universidades dentro del campo de las competencias docentes para la cual requiere de un profesional del campo de la psicología y la docencia. La presente actividad de I+D aporta a la empresa un conocimiento sistematizado y basado en la evidencia, para describir el perfil de competencias docentes para la formación universitaria en entornos virtuales de aprendizaje.
Con ello, la empresa pretende aportar un nuevo servicio que dé respuesta a esta necesidad en el mercado universitario, enfocándose a dos objetivos principales:
1. Describir el conjunto de competencias - que integran conocimientos, habilidades y actitudes- que deben reunir los profesores universitarios para la docencia a través de Entornos Virtuales de Aprendizaje.
2. Descubrir la relación existente entre el perfil competencial de los profesores y los resultados logrados en el proceso de enseñanza – aprendizaje.
VIRTUALAP: Competencias docentes para la formación universitaria en un entorno virtual de aprendizaje.
Repositorio de la Universidad.
<a href="/10290/1/Influence%20of%20E-learning%20training%20on%20the%20acquisition%20of%20competences%20in%20basketball%20coaches%20in%20Cantabria.pdf" class="ep_document_link"><img class="ep_doc_icon" alt="[img]" src="/style/images/fileicons/text.png" border="0"/></a>
The main aim of this study was to analyse the influence of e-learning training on the acquisition of competences in basketball coaches in Cantabria. The current landscape of basketball coach training shows an increasing demand for innovative training models and emerging pedagogies, including e-learning-based methodologies. The study sample consisted of fifty students from these courses, all above 16 years of age (36 males, 14 females). Among them, 16% resided outside the autonomous community of Cantabria, 10% resided more than 50 km from the city of Santander, 36% between 10 and 50 km, 14% less than 10 km, and 24% resided within Santander city. Data were collected through a Google Forms survey distributed by the Cantabrian Basketball Federation to training course students. Participation was voluntary and anonymous. The survey, consisting of 56 questions, was validated by two sports and health doctors and two senior basketball coaches. The collected data were processed and analysed using Microsoft® Excel version 16.74, and the results were expressed in percentages. The analysis revealed that 24.60% of the students trained through the e-learning methodology considered themselves fully qualified as basketball coaches, contrasting with 10.98% of those trained via traditional face-to-face methodology. The results of the study provide insights into important characteristics that can be adjusted and improved within the investigated educational process. Moreover, the study concludes that e-learning training effectively qualifies basketball coaches in Cantabria.
Josep Alemany Iturriaga mail, Álvaro Velarde-Sotres mail, Javier Jorge mail , Kamil Giglio mail ,
Alemany Iturriaga
<a class="ep_document_link" href="/15198/1/nutrients-16-03859.pdf"><img class="ep_doc_icon" alt="[img]" src="/style/images/fileicons/text.png" border="0"/></a>
Carotenoids Intake and Cardiovascular Prevention: A Systematic Review
Background: Cardiovascular diseases (CVDs) encompass a variety of conditions that affect the heart and blood vessels. Carotenoids, a group of fat-soluble organic pigments synthesized by plants, fungi, algae, and some bacteria, may have a beneficial effect in reducing cardiovascular disease (CVD) risk. This study aims to examine and synthesize current research on the relationship between carotenoids and CVDs. Methods: A systematic review was conducted using MEDLINE and the Cochrane Library to identify relevant studies on the efficacy of carotenoid supplementation for CVD prevention. Interventional analytical studies (randomized and non-randomized clinical trials) published in English from January 2011 to February 2024 were included. Results: A total of 38 studies were included in the qualitative analysis. Of these, 17 epidemiological studies assessed the relationship between carotenoids and CVDs, 9 examined the effect of carotenoid supplementation, and 12 evaluated dietary interventions. Conclusions: Elevated serum carotenoid levels are associated with reduced CVD risk factors and inflammatory markers. Increasing the consumption of carotenoid-rich foods appears to be more effective than supplementation, though the specific effects of individual carotenoids on CVD risk remain uncertain.
Sandra Sumalla Cano mail, Imanol Eguren García mail, Álvaro Lasarte García mail , Thomas Prola mail, Raquel Martínez Díaz mail, Iñaki Elío Pascual mail,
Sumalla Cano
<a href="/14584/1/s41598-024-73664-6.pdf" class="ep_document_link"><img class="ep_doc_icon" alt="[img]" src="/style/images/fileicons/text.png" border="0"/></a>
The evolution of the COVID-19 pandemic has been associated with variations in clinical presentation and severity. Similarly, prediction scores may suffer changes in their diagnostic accuracy. The aim of this study was to test the 30-day mortality predictive validity of the 4C and SEIMC scores during the sixth wave of the pandemic and to compare them with those of validation studies. This was a longitudinal retrospective observational study. COVID-19 patients who were admitted to the Emergency Department of a Spanish hospital from December 15, 2021, to January 31, 2022, were selected. A side-by-side comparison with the pivotal validation studies was subsequently performed. The main measures were 30-day mortality and the 4C and SEIMC scores. A total of 27,614 patients were considered in the study, including 22,361 from the 4C, 4,627 from the SEIMC and 626 from our hospital. The 30-day mortality rate was significantly lower than that reported in the validation studies. The AUCs were 0.931 (95% CI: 0.90–0.95) for 4C and 0.903 (95% CI: 086–0.93) for SEIMC, which were significantly greater than those obtained in the first wave. Despite the changes that have occurred during the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic, with a reduction in lethality, scorecard systems are currently still useful tools for detecting patients with poor disease risk, with better prognostic capacity.
Pedro Ángel de Santos Castro mail , Carlos del Pozo Vegas mail , Leyre Teresa Pinilla Arribas mail , Daniel Zalama Sánchez mail , Ancor Sanz-García mail , Tony Giancarlo Vásquez del Águila mail , Pablo González Izquierdo mail , Sara de Santos Sánchez mail , Cristina Mazas Pérez-Oleaga mail, Irma Dominguez Azpíroz mail, Iñaki Elío Pascual mail, Francisco Martín-Rodríguez mail ,
de Santos Castro
<a class="ep_document_link" href="/14915/1/s41598-024-74357-w.pdf"><img class="ep_doc_icon" alt="[img]" src="/style/images/fileicons/text.png" border="0"/></a>
Diabetes is a persistent health condition led by insufficient use or inappropriate use of insulin in the body. If left undetected, it can lead to further complications involving organ damage such as heart, lungs, and eyes. Timely detection of diabetes helps obtain the right medication, diet, and exercise plan to lead a healthy life. ML approach has been utilized to obtain rapid and reliable diabetes detection, however, existing approaches suffer from the use of limited datasets, lack of generalizability, and lower accuracy. This study proposes a novel feature extraction approach to overcome these limitations by using an ensemble of convolutional neural network (CNN) and long short-term memory (LSTM) models. Multiple datasets are combined to make a larger dataset for experiments and multiple features are utilized for investigating the efficacy of the proposed approach. Features from the extra tree classifier, CNN, and LSTM are also considered for comparison. Experimental results reveal the superb performance of CNN-LSTM-based features with random forest model obtaining a 0.99 accuracy score. This performance is further validated by comparison with existing approaches and k-fold cross-validation which shows the proposed approach provides robust results.
Furqan Rustam mail , Ahmad Sami Al-Shamayleh mail , Rahman Shafique mail , Silvia Aparicio Obregón mail, Rubén Calderón Iglesias mail, J. Pablo Miramontes Gonzalez mail , Imran Ashraf mail ,
<a href="/14934/1/s41598-024-77427-1.pdf" class="ep_document_link"><img class="ep_doc_icon" alt="[img]" src="/style/images/fileicons/text.png" border="0"/></a>
A deep learning approach to optimize remaining useful life prediction for Li-ion batteries
Accurately predicting the remaining useful life (RUL) of lithium-ion (Li-ion) batteries is vital for improving battery performance and safety in applications such as consumer electronics and electric vehicles. While the prediction of RUL for these batteries is a well-established field, the current research refines RUL prediction methodologies by leveraging deep learning techniques, advancing prediction accuracy. This study proposes AccuCell Prodigy, a deep learning model that integrates auto-encoders and long short-term memory (LSTM) layers to enhance RUL prediction accuracy and efficiency. The model’s name reflects its precision (“AccuCell”) and predictive strength (“Prodigy”). The proposed methodology involves preparing a dataset of battery operational features, split using an 80–20 ratio for training and testing. Leveraging 22 variations of current (critical parameter) across three Li-ion cells, AccuCell Prodigy significantly reduces prediction errors, achieving a mean square error of 0.1305%, mean absolute error of 2.484%, and root mean square error of 3.613%, with a high R-squared value of 0.9849. These results highlight its robustness and potential for advancing battery health management.
Mahrukh Iftikhar mail , Muhammad Shoaib mail , Ayesha Altaf mail , Faiza Iqbal mail , Santos Gracia Villar mail, Luis Alonso Dzul López mail, Imran Ashraf mail ,