ICN Based Efficient Content Caching Scheme for Vehicular Networks

Article Subjects > Engineering Europe University of Atlantic > Research > Scientific Production
Universidad Internacional do Cuanza > Research > Articles and books
Cerrado Inglés The Information Centric Networking (ICN) is a future internet architecture to support efficient content distribution in a vehicular environment. In-network caching in ICN provides a realistic solution for vehicular communication due to storage of content replicas inside network vehicles. However, the challenge still exists while caching content replicas in resource constraint vehicles ( such as limited power and cache capacity) to minimize the communication latency. To address the above mentioned challenge, this paper proposes EPC - an ICN based Energy efficient Placement of Content chunk that fits well in a vehicular environment. The proposed resource management strategy mainly aims to reduce the content fetching delay by caching content replicas towards the network edge router. The EPC strategy decides on placement of content chunks on each vehicle by jointly considering residual power of current vehicle, local popularity of content, and caching gain. The EPC supports efficient utilization of network available resources by allowing only vehicles with their residual power greater than threshold to perform chunk caching and hence, further offers reduced content duplication in the whole network. The effectiveness of the proposed scheme is evaluated in Icarus- an ICN simulator for analyzing the performance of ICN caching and routing strategies. The EPC outperforms various state of the art caching strategies approximately by 30% when gets evaluated in terms of offered cache hit ratio, content retrieval delay, and the average number of hops utilized for fetching the requested content. metadata Gupta, Divya and Rani, Shalli and Singh, Aman and Rodrigues, Joel J. P. C. mail UNSPECIFIED, UNSPECIFIED, aman.singh@uneatlantico.es, UNSPECIFIED (2022) ICN Based Efficient Content Caching Scheme for Vehicular Networks. IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems. pp. 1-9. ISSN 1524-9050

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The Information Centric Networking (ICN) is a future internet architecture to support efficient content distribution in a vehicular environment. In-network caching in ICN provides a realistic solution for vehicular communication due to storage of content replicas inside network vehicles. However, the challenge still exists while caching content replicas in resource constraint vehicles ( such as limited power and cache capacity) to minimize the communication latency. To address the above mentioned challenge, this paper proposes EPC - an ICN based Energy efficient Placement of Content chunk that fits well in a vehicular environment. The proposed resource management strategy mainly aims to reduce the content fetching delay by caching content replicas towards the network edge router. The EPC strategy decides on placement of content chunks on each vehicle by jointly considering residual power of current vehicle, local popularity of content, and caching gain. The EPC supports efficient utilization of network available resources by allowing only vehicles with their residual power greater than threshold to perform chunk caching and hence, further offers reduced content duplication in the whole network. The effectiveness of the proposed scheme is evaluated in Icarus- an ICN simulator for analyzing the performance of ICN caching and routing strategies. The EPC outperforms various state of the art caching strategies approximately by 30% when gets evaluated in terms of offered cache hit ratio, content retrieval delay, and the average number of hops utilized for fetching the requested content.

Item Type: Article
Additional Information: Early access (todavía no tiene asignado nº/volumen de revista)
Uncontrolled Keywords: In-network caching; energy efficiency; information centric networking; caching advantage; content placement
Subjects: Subjects > Engineering
Divisions: Europe University of Atlantic > Research > Scientific Production
Universidad Internacional do Cuanza > Research > Articles and books
Date Deposited: 27 Jul 2022 23:30
Last Modified: 12 Jul 2023 23:30
URI: https://repositorio.unic.co.ao/id/eprint/3014

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Novel Transfer Learning Approach for Detecting Infected and Healthy Maize Crop Using Leaf Images

Maize is a staple crop worldwide, essential for food security, livestock feed, and industrial uses. Its health directly impacts agricultural productivity and economic stability. Effective detection of maize crop health is crucial for preventing disease spread and ensuring high yields. This study presents VG-GNBNet, an innovative transfer learning model that accurately detects healthy and infected maize crops through a two-step feature extraction process. The proposed model begins by leveraging the visual geometry group (VGG-16) network to extract initial pixel-based spatial features from the crop images. These features are then further refined using the Gaussian Naive Bayes (GNB) model and feature decomposition-based matrix factorization mechanism, which generates more informative features for classification purposes. This study incorporates machine learning models to ensure a comprehensive evaluation. By comparing VG-GNBNet's performance against these models, we validate its robustness and accuracy. Integrating deep learning and machine learning techniques allows VG-GNBNet to capitalize on the strengths of both approaches, leading to superior performance. Extensive experiments demonstrate that the proposed VG-GNBNet+GNB model significantly outperforms other models, achieving an impressive accuracy score of 99.85%. This high accuracy highlights the model's potential for practical application in the agricultural sector, where the precise detection of crop health is crucial for effective disease management and yield optimization.

Producción Científica

Muhammad Usama Tanveer mail , Kashif Munir mail , Ali Raza mail , Laith Abualigah mail , Helena Garay mail helena.garay@uneatlantico.es, Luis Eduardo Prado González mail uis.prado@uneatlantico.es, Imran Ashraf mail ,


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Novel transfer learning based bone fracture detection using radiographic images

A bone fracture is a medical condition characterized by a partial or complete break in the continuity of the bone. Fractures are primarily caused by injuries and accidents, affecting millions of people worldwide. The healing process for a fracture can take anywhere from one month to one year, leading to significant economic and psychological challenges for patients. The detection of bone fractures is crucial, and radiographic images are often relied on for accurate assessment. An efficient neural network method is essential for the early detection and timely treatment of fractures. In this study, we propose a novel transfer learning-based approach called MobLG-Net for feature engineering purposes. Initially, the spatial features are extracted from bone X-ray images using a transfer model, MobileNet, and then input into a tree-based light gradient boosting machine (LGBM) model for the generation of class probability features. Several machine learning (ML) techniques are applied to the subsets of newly generated transfer features to compare the results. K-nearest neighbor (KNN), LGBM, logistic regression (LR), and random forest (RF) are implemented using the novel features with optimized hyperparameters. The LGBM and LR models trained on proposed MobLG-Net (MobileNet-LGBM) based features outperformed others, achieving an accuracy of 99% in predicting bone fractures. A cross-validation mechanism is used to evaluate the performance of each model. The proposed study can improve the detection of bone fractures using X-ray images.

Producción Científica

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Hybrid Model with Wavelet Decomposition and EfficientNet for Accurate Skin Cancer Classification

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Nut Consumption Is Associated with Cognitive Status in Southern Italian Adults

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Producción Científica

Justyna Godos mail , Francesca Giampieri mail francesca.giampieri@uneatlantico.es, Evelyn Frias-Toral mail , Raynier Zambrano-Villacres mail , Angel Olider Rojas Vistorte mail angel.rojas@uneatlantico.es, Vanessa Yélamos Torres mail vanessa.yelamos@funiber.org, Maurizio Battino mail maurizio.battino@uneatlantico.es, Fabio Galvano mail , Sabrina Castellano mail , Giuseppe Grosso mail ,


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Influence of E-learning training on the acquisition of competences in basketball coaches in Cantabria

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Producción Científica

Josep Alemany Iturriaga mail josep.alemany@uneatlantico.es, Álvaro Velarde-Sotres mail alvaro.velarde@uneatlantico.es, Javier Jorge mail , Kamil Giglio mail ,

Alemany Iturriaga