eprintid: 12749 rev_number: 9 eprint_status: archive userid: 2 dir: disk0/00/01/27/49 datestamp: 2024-06-17 23:30:26 lastmod: 2024-06-17 23:30:27 status_changed: 2024-06-17 23:30:26 type: article metadata_visibility: show creators_name: Regolo, Lucia creators_name: Giampieri, Francesca creators_name: Battino, Maurizio creators_name: Armas Diaz, Yasmany creators_name: Mezzetti, Bruno creators_name: Elexpuru Zabaleta, Maria creators_name: Mazas Pérez-Oleaga, Cristina creators_name: Tutusaus, Kilian creators_name: Mazzoni, Luca creators_id: creators_id: francesca.giampieri@uneatlantico.es creators_id: maurizio.battino@uneatlantico.es creators_id: creators_id: creators_id: maria.elexpuru@uneatlantico.es creators_id: cristina.mazas@uneatlantico.es creators_id: kilian.tutusaus@uneatlantico.es creators_id: title: From by-products to new application opportunities: the enhancement of the leaves deriving from the fruit plants for new potential healthy products ispublished: pub subjects: uneat_sn divisions: uneatlantico_produccion_cientifica divisions: uninimx_produccion_cientifica divisions: unic_produccion_cientifica full_text_status: public keywords: circular economy, leaves, bioactive compounds, health, food industry, cosmetics abstract: In the last decades, the world population and demand for any kind of product have grown exponentially. The rhythm of production to satisfy the request of the population has become unsustainable and the concept of the linear economy, introduced after the Industrial Revolution, has been replaced by a new economic approach, the circular economy. In this new economic model, the concept of “the end of life” is substituted by the concept of restoration, providing a new life to many industrial wastes. Leaves are a by-product of several agricultural cultivations. In recent years, the scientific interest regarding leaf biochemical composition grew, recording that plant leaves may be considered an alternative source of bioactive substances. Plant leaves’ main bioactive compounds are similar to those in fruits, i.e., phenolic acids and esters, flavonols, anthocyanins, and procyanidins. Bioactive compounds can positively influence human health; in fact, it is no coincidence that the leaves were used by our ancestors as a natural remedy for various pathological conditions. Therefore, leaves can be exploited to manufacture many products in food (e.g., being incorporated in food formulations as natural antioxidants, or used to create edible coatings or films for food packaging), cosmetic and pharmaceutical industries (e.g., promising ingredients in anti-aging cosmetics such as oils, serums, dermatological creams, bath gels, and other products). This review focuses on the leaves’ main bioactive compounds and their beneficial health effects, indicating their applications until today to enhance them as a harvesting by-product and highlight their possible reuse for new potential healthy products. date: 2024-06 publication: Frontiers in Nutrition volume: 11 id_number: doi:10.3389/fnut.2024.1083759 refereed: TRUE issn: 2296-861X official_url: http://doi.org/10.3389/fnut.2024.1083759 access: open language: en citation: Artículo Materias > Alimentación Universidad Europea del Atlántico > Investigación > Producción Científica Universidad Internacional Iberoamericana México > Investigación > Producción Científica Universidad Internacional do Cuanza > Investigación > Artículos y libros Abierto Inglés In the last decades, the world population and demand for any kind of product have grown exponentially. The rhythm of production to satisfy the request of the population has become unsustainable and the concept of the linear economy, introduced after the Industrial Revolution, has been replaced by a new economic approach, the circular economy. In this new economic model, the concept of “the end of life” is substituted by the concept of restoration, providing a new life to many industrial wastes. Leaves are a by-product of several agricultural cultivations. In recent years, the scientific interest regarding leaf biochemical composition grew, recording that plant leaves may be considered an alternative source of bioactive substances. Plant leaves’ main bioactive compounds are similar to those in fruits, i.e., phenolic acids and esters, flavonols, anthocyanins, and procyanidins. Bioactive compounds can positively influence human health; in fact, it is no coincidence that the leaves were used by our ancestors as a natural remedy for various pathological conditions. Therefore, leaves can be exploited to manufacture many products in food (e.g., being incorporated in food formulations as natural antioxidants, or used to create edible coatings or films for food packaging), cosmetic and pharmaceutical industries (e.g., promising ingredients in anti-aging cosmetics such as oils, serums, dermatological creams, bath gels, and other products). This review focuses on the leaves’ main bioactive compounds and their beneficial health effects, indicating their applications until today to enhance them as a harvesting by-product and highlight their possible reuse for new potential healthy products. metadata Regolo, Lucia; Giampieri, Francesca; Battino, Maurizio; Armas Diaz, Yasmany; Mezzetti, Bruno; Elexpuru Zabaleta, Maria; Mazas Pérez-Oleaga, Cristina; Tutusaus, Kilian y Mazzoni, Luca mail SIN ESPECIFICAR, francesca.giampieri@uneatlantico.es, maurizio.battino@uneatlantico.es, SIN ESPECIFICAR, SIN ESPECIFICAR, maria.elexpuru@uneatlantico.es, cristina.mazas@uneatlantico.es, kilian.tutusaus@uneatlantico.es, SIN ESPECIFICAR (2024) From by-products to new application opportunities: the enhancement of the leaves deriving from the fruit plants for new potential healthy products. Frontiers in Nutrition, 11. ISSN 2296-861X document_url: http://repositorio.unic.co.ao/id/eprint/12749/1/fnut-11-1083759.pdf